PBEC’s Mission

  • The ABC’s of PBEC are to provide Access, a Bridge and Connectivity.
  • The Independent voice of responsible business and trade across Asia and the Pacific.
  • Provide understanding and clarity on regional and international trade matters, such as the revised Trans Pacific Partnership and China’s Belt and Road initiatives.
  • Focus of technology for business in a world of change and disruption.
  • Provide Members with exclusive access to invitation-only regional and international gatherings, such as the APEC and ASEAN CEO Summits, UNESCAP and B20 business taskforces.
  • Information sharing and connections with thought leaders in academia, government and international business.
  • To be a network of trust in cross border interactions for emerging markets.
  • Research, curate and publish opinion pieces on issues affecting trade and business in Asia and the Pacific, including opinion pieces and white papers on vital issues of the day – previous topics highlighted by PBEC included the Free Trade Area of Asia Pacific (FTAAP); Poverty Alleviation; Labour Mobility; Maritime Issues
  • Provide clarity and understanding in both English, Chinese and Spanish of the ‘noodle bowl’ of bilateral and multi-lateral trade agreements in the region through a specially conceived website pbec.trade
  • To connect younger entrepreneurs with government and business leaders to assist in the realisation of their business goals.